Monday, December 5, 2011

Simply Kids

Simply Kids

The swaying trees tilts back and forth at large angles. The wind is picking up speed. I’m my way back from Starbucks, and my hair is being wildly blown across my face. One hand holds my phone as I finish a call. The other hand holds the freshly brewed coffee laced with hazelnut syrup to sweeten the bitterness.
This morning, four boys between the ages of 6-8 were in Starbucks fooling around with their two walkie talkies. They had biked instead of driving here with their parents because of the Baltimore marathon. Roads were blocked from the 28th street all the way to Campden Yards, with signs of the mileage scattered sequentially across Baltimore.
While they were waiting for their father to finish ordering his morning coffee, they talked to each other on their walkie talkie.
“123 123 test test. Can you hear me?”
They soon got bored and decided to advance their usage of the walkie talkies. Mischievously, they hid one of the walk talkies in a pouch hanging on their bikes outside. When people rode by on their bicycles, they would speak into the walkie talkie, “ Get off your bikes, Get off your bikes”. The bikers would look around in confusion, giving the kids the amusement they were seeking
Kids are always able to entertain themselves, any time and place, enjoying the simple life, as it should be.